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Please note that ISCCP data processing is now performed at NOAA/NCEI.
Please visit the NOAA/NCEI website for access to ISCCP H data products and other up-to-date information.


These tables contain values for instrument response (normalized to a peak value of 1.0) as a function of wavelength (microns).


FY-2C Satellites

Channel numbers given here are those used by ISCCP. Channel 1 is solar and channels 2, 3, 4, and 5 are infrared.

GMS Satellites

Channel numbers given here are those used by ISCCP. Channel 1 is solar and channels 2, 3 and 4 (where available) are infrared.

GOES Satellites

Channel numbers given here are those used by ISCCP. Channel 1 is solar and channels 2, 3, 4, and 5 (where available) are infrared.

INSAT Satellite

Channel numbers given here are those used by ISCCP. Channel 1 is solar and channel 2 is infrared.

METEOSAT Satellites

Channel numbers given here are those used by ISCCP.
For METEOSAT-2 through METEOSAT-7, Channel 1 is solar, channel 2 is infrared, and channel 3 is an additional infrared channel (water vapor).
Starting METEOSAT-8, Channels 1,3 are solar, channels 2,4,5,6,9,10,11 are infrared, and channels 7 and 8 are water vapor channels.

MTS Satellites

Channel numbers given here are those used by ISCCP. Channel 1 is solar and channels 2,3,4,5 are infrared.

NOAA Satellites

Channel numbers given here are those used by ISCCP. Channels 1 and 3 are solar; channels 2, 4, 5, and 6 (where available) are infrared.

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