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Please note that ISCCP data processing is now performed at NOAA/NCEI.
Please visit the NOAA/NCEI website for access to ISCCP H data products and other up-to-date information.


The Coupled Ocean - Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) was a major field experiment conducted in the tropical western Pacific as part of the Tropical Oceans Global Atmosphere (TOGA) component of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP). The objectives were to characterize the principal processes responsible for coupling the tropical ocean and atmosphere, including atmospheric convection and maintenance of the warm pool.


The TOGA/COARE experiment took place from 1 November 1992 through 28 February 1993 and involved 12 ships, 34 island stations and numerous aircraft campaigns by 7 aircraft, as well as greatly augmented weather observations. The Large Scale Area extended from 10S to 10N latitude and 140E to 180E longitude; satellite data are provided for a larger region extending from 20S to 20N latitude and 120E to 170W longitude. An Intensive Flux Array composed of ship and island locations covered an area about 5 of latitude-longitude centered at 2S, 155E.

ISCCP On-Line Datasets